The Bauer NSX Shoulder Pads were built for the recreational or new-to-hockey player looking for good protection and comfort at an affordable price. Bauer beefed up protection in key areas such as the sternum and spine with heavy-duty plastic inserts that do a great job of absorbing impact energy.
Bauer also used molded plastic as the base of the low-profile shoulder caps and the adjustable bicep guards. These are all topped and lined with medium-density foams to provide a comfortable feel and additional protection. The foam on the back panel is unique with its vented design, which promotes consistent airflow without sacrificing coverage or protection.
The NSX's shoulder caps provide a great range of motion thanks to the Free Flex Technology, truly a standout feature at this price. Unlike some of the competition, the shoulder caps and bicep guards can move independently of the body of the shoulder pad since they attach to each other with nylon straps instead of being sewn together.